Then I got out to help. I'm trying to be a little more "hands-on" in the parenting these days.
Then, the owners of the house came out and they were like, "hey! Don't pick that fruit off the sidewalk!" And we all thought we were busted, you know? And I'm going over in my head the rules about fruit on the sidewalk and how it's like, public property, right? And aren't you glad we're cleaning up your sidewalk? But then the people were like, "give us your basket; we'll pick a bunch from the tree! This tree isn't stingy!" And we just stood there in disbelief and gratitude, thinking how this was so spirit of aloha (they reminded me of pacific islanders), and how we want to move to Hawai'i and grow our own plums...and mangoes...and taro root...
Okay, maybe that was just me. But it got me thinking that it would be awesome to have this big neighborhood farmers market trade thing, where a couple of times a year, you just bring boxes of the edibles that are growing in your yard, set it down with all your neighbor's boxes, and then everyone just goes shopping! There's no money exchanged, just a bunch of overflow fruit and veggies that would've otherwise ended up in the compost bin. Isn't that a great idea?
I have lots of great ideas.... I'm working on the man-power part of executing them.
This is what was left today, after only 24 hours. They were SO good...
No, I didn't. But I do have a kooky, dramatic bunch of kids. I have no idea where they get it.